The Official Masonic Website of Ottawa District 2
The Official Masonic Website of Ottawa District 2
On this page:
  • District By-Laws and Reimbursement Form
  • College of Freemasonry - Course Outlines
  • Recognition of Grand Lodges
  • Education Monthly
  • Financial Advisory Newsletter
  • Protocol and Etiquette
  • B2B Facilifacts
Scroll down this page to find the section of interest
Ottawa District 2 By-Laws - Amended May 2024
Please report any errors or omissions to R.W. Bro. David Fraser.
Ottawa District 2 By-Laws - Approved May[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [864.7 KB]

Extracted from the District By-laws above is the Reimbursement form for District expenses. Please use this form when submitting expenses to the District Treasurer.

To view and/or download the Reimbursement Form, click here.
Adobe Acrobat document [7.5 KB]
College of Freemasonry

The College of Freemasonry offers three principal correspondence courses that are presented in modules:
  • Masonic Arts and Sciences for Masons.
  • An Aspiring Worshipful Masters Course.
  • A Past Masters Course. (Formerly DDGM & Grand Registrar Course)
A learner may complete any single module of interest to him, or subscribe to a course. Details are contained in the Course Prospective available here.
Prospectus - College of Freemasonry (Jan 2013)
Adobe Acrobat document [511.5 KB]

Recognition of Grand Lodges

For those with a love of travel who wish to visit Lodges in other jurisdictions and geographies or those examining vistors to their Lodges, the our Grand Lodge recognizes the Grand Lodges listed on the Official Recognition of Grand Lodges.

A brother hailing from a Lodge under warrant from any of these Grand Lodges may be received as a visitor, under Section 213, if he can prove himself to be a member in good standing.

Members of other Grand Lodges cannot be recognized or received.

List of Recognized
Unless directed otherwise by Grand Lodge, visitors to your lodge from other Grand Lodges cannot be recognized or received. They can, of course, be greeted as visitors and enter a lodge with a delegation, but no further honour is accorded to them.
Approved GLs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [501.4 KB]

Education Monthly

A Masonic Minute Whither are you directing your course?

Ontario Mason Magazine - Link to the Grand Lodge of Ontario


A Masonic Minute
2016 01 - Whither are you directing your course
Adobe Acrobat document [418.7 KB]
Luxor Light - October 2015
Adobe Acrobat document [343.3 KB]
A Masonic Minute - The form of the Lodge
Adobe Acrobat document [123.5 KB]
Faithful Masonry
Adobe Acrobat document [65.0 KB]
Minorities in Masonry:
Adobe Acrobat document [20.2 KB]
The Young Mason
Adobe Acrobat document [337.6 KB]
Planning. How much is needed?
GL Ottawa by SWL
Adobe Acrobat document [96.4 KB]
Lodge Challenges:
Lodge Fatigue
Adobe Acrobat document [40.8 KB]
An Organization in Decline?
Adobe Acrobat document [19.4 KB]
Financial Advisory Newsletter

Finance might be dry and uninteresting for most members, but this l is essential reading for Worshipful Masters, Finance Committee members, Trustees and, of course, Treasurers.

November 2011 - What's an Auditor? | The Role of the Lodge Treasurer |
Successful Planning

January 2012 - Do We File Tax Returns? | Lodge Financial Record Keeping |
Membership Roster

November 2013 - More details about lodge requirements to file tax returns on 
investment earnings
Finance Advisory
November 2011
Adobe Acrobat document [270.3 KB]
Financial Advisory
January 2012
Adobe Acrobat document [371.7 KB]
Financial Advisory
November 2013
Adobe Acrobat document [347.4 KB]
Protocol and Etiquette

Guide to the Masonic Memorial Service - complete details of how and when

Protocol and Etiquette Handout:

The Protocol and Etiquette team has developed a handout which details the Receiving of Grand Lodge Officers and Banquet Hall Protocol. Click here to view the September 2014 version of the handout.

The Installation Ceremony -- Ritual, Protocol, Tips and Reminders:
A comprehensive guide to the Installation Ceremony for the Installing Master and other members of the Installation team Click here to download the guide

P&E Essentials -- Summary of Topics Covered:
A comprehensive listing of the topics covered in the 35 issues of P&E Essentials
Click here to view the index.

Order of Introduction of Current Grand Lodge Officers:

Click here for a copy; Tylers and Directors of Ceremonies find it very useful

Protocol and Etiquette - A Periodic Newsletter:

The P&E team publishes occasional newsletters on a variety of topics; click on the highlighted issue number listed:
Guide to the Masonic Memorial Service
Published September 2012
Adobe Acrobat document [393.2 KB]
Receiving GL Officers & Banquet Hall Protocol
Published September 2014
Adobe Acrobat document [333.0 KB]
Installation Ceremony - Ritual Protocol Tips & Reminders
Published June 2014
Adobe Acrobat document [453.7 KB]
Index of Topics Covered in P&E Essentials
Adobe Acrobat document [75.6 KB]
  • Issue one, March 2009 - definitions of Protocol, Etiquette and Manners
  • Issue two, May, 2009 - Use of Gavel; Banquet Hall Protocol
  • Issue three, October 2009 - banquet hall seating protocol, "the Wands"
  • Issue four, January 2010 - reception of visitors, the Master's collar
  • Issue five, March 2010 - Lewis Jewel, Draping the Warrant, Saluting
  • Issue six, April 2010 - Dress and Undress Regalia; Sign of Fidelity; Addressing the East
  • Issue seven, June 2010 - how to conduct a ballot, part one
  • Issue eight, October 2010 - more details about ballot, part two
  • Issue nine, December 2010 - head table seating; who can sit in the East; the William Mercer Wilson Medal
  • Issue ten, February 2011 - Masonic Toasts
  • Issue eleven, March 2011 - office and title of the Worshipful Master; when and how we Salute
  • Issue twelve, April 2011 - dress code in lodge; wearing of gloves
  • Issue thirteen, June 2011 - Step-by-step guide to Masonic Memorial Service
  • Issue fourteen, January 2012 - Guide to the Committee of General Purposes
  • Issue fifteen, February 2012 - The Business Portion of a Lodge Meeting
  • Issue sixteen, March 2012 - Cell Phone Etiquette | Multiple Versions of the V.O.T.S.L.
  • Issue seventeen, April 2012 - Grand Honours | Addressing the East / Head Table
  • Issue eighteen, May 2012 - Election of Lodge Officers
  • Issue Nineteen, June 2012 - Banquet Hall Protocol
  • Issue Twenty, December 2012 - Introduction of Head Table and other guests
  • Issue Twenty-one, January, 2013 - Guide to The Grand Honours
  • Issue Twenty-two, February, 2013 - Notes on Draping the Warrant, Memorial Services and the Altar
  • Issue Twenty-three, March, 2013 - Wearing of Medals and Jewels
  • Issue Twenty-four updated, April, 2013 - District Deputy Grand Master
  • Issue Twenty-five, May 2013 - Answers to Some Interesting Questions About Ritual
  • Issue Twenty-six, July , 2013 - Committee of Inquiry
  • Issue Twenty-seven, January 2014 - Duties of the Director of Ceremonies Meritorious Service Award
  • Issue Twenty-nine, March 2014 - Visitation and a Board of Trial
  • Issue Thirty, April 2014 - Lodge elections; carrying the D of C wand
  • Issue Thirty-one, May 2014 - The Masonic Memorial Services
  • Issue Thirty-two, June 2014 - Dress Code Guidelines for Various Masonic Events
  • Issue Thirty-three, January 2015 - Protocol and Privileges of Past Masters
  • Issue Thirty-Four, February 2015 - Humour in the Lodge Room
  • Issue Thirty-Five, April 2015 - Review of Important Aspects of Protocol

To have the newsletter sent to you directly by e-mail as published, send a request to Gordon Crutcher, Chairman.

B2B Facilifacts / Lodge Resources Program Review

The Brother-to-Brother team of Grand Lodge publishes a monthly newsletter promoting and explaining ideas and concepts to stimulate greater fraternity in your lodge. Click on the monthly edition to view the current issue in Adobe Acrobat format:
Volume 4, 2009Volume 3, 2008Volume 2, 2007Volume 1, 2006



Lodge Resources

Program Review

 May 2009

 June 2009

September 2009





















You may source the Brother-to-Brother Program Tool Kit: Revision 3.0 by going to the Grand Lodge web site, or directly to the resource page by clicking here.

Last updated: August 2019

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